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4                                                                                                   CANADA EXPRESS / NEWS / SEPTEMBER. 29. 2023

                                         Great Vancouver Top 1% Realtor

                                          남승오                                    부동산                                                    MILLION

                                                                                                                                 Medalion Club Award
                                           Charles Nam PREC* Personal Real Estate Corporation                                      Greater Vancouver
                                                                                                                                  President’s Club (Top1%)
                                           604.710.3897                                      [email protected]

                                                                                                                           Michael Yoo
                                           #102-403 North Rd, Coquitlam BC V3K 3V9 (한인타운 신용조합 옆)                           유남열

                                                                               MILLION                                     Unlicensed Assistant
                                                                                DOLLAR                                     780-870-4102
                                                                                AWARD                                      [email protected]
                                            2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020  2021
                                                                                     2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020  2021
           집매매    콘도매매    부동산투자    신규분 양                                               비지니스 / 투자건물 / LEASE / 경매물건

                   SOLD                                                                               SOLD                        SOLD

            Government Condo 버나비        Burke Mountain 코퀴틀람        Westwood plateau 코퀴틀람        Austin Condo 코퀴틀람          Begin st Condo 코퀴틀람
            2 bed, 2 bath               6 bed, 5 bath              7 bed, 6 bath                2 bed, 2 bath              1 bed + Den, 2 bath
            1035 sf, 15 years           3,876 sf, Land : 45,302 sf  6,556 sf, Land: 11,194 sf   1,345 sf , 31 years        835 sf, 31 years
            $699,900       $815,000     $2,999,000                 $3,190,000                   $699,000     $740,000      $469,000      $552,000

                   SOLD                        SOLD                        SOLD                       SOLD                        SOLD

             Yorkson Condo 랭리           Township Townhouse 랭리      Columbia Condo 뉴웨스트         Yorkson Condo 랭리           McCallum Condo 에보스포드
             2 bed, 2 bath              2 bed, 2 bath              2 bed, 1 bath               3 bed, 2 bath              2 bed, 1 bath
             1,613 sf, New, Penthouse   1,154 sf, New              840 sf, 40 years            1,102 sf, New              960 sf, 32 years
             $1,150,000                 $739,900       $811,000    $399,900       $485,000     $739,900                   $399,000

                   SOLD                        SOLD                        SOLD                       SOLD                        SOLD

             Westhill Condo 포트무디        Yorkson Condo 랭리            Medical Building 써리        Shopping Mall 코퀴틀람         Austin Height 코퀴틀람

             2 bed, 1 bath              2 bed, 2 bath               3 stories Building         NOI $1,000,000             3,832 sf, Land: 9,430 sf
             973 sf,  39 years          890 sf, New                 NOI $480,000               Future Development         NOI $76,639 + GST
                                                                                                                          2.5FAR, up to 25 stories
             $399,000     $425,000      $550,000                    $13,500,000                $24,000,000                $4,450,000

                   SOLD                                                                               SOLD

            Austin Height 코퀴틀람          Out of Town Shopping Mall  East Broadway 벤쿠버           Nail Bar 코퀴틀람               Convenience

            16,243 sf, Land: 17.989 sf  75,000 sf leasable area    Strata unit for Sale        686 sf, Coquitlam Center    Nanaimo Skytrain
            2 stories, 47 parking lot   Land: 5.88 acres           818sf, Vacant               $1,300/month (Gross rent)   107sf, $2,421 (Gross Rent)
            Up to 4 stories             Net Income $330,000                                    Lease until 2031. No Demo   5yr + 5yr lease
            $7,800,000                  $6,500,000                 $1,288,000                  $139,900                    $48,800

            Convenience                  Convenience               Japanese Restaurant (Port Moody)  Japanese Restaurant (Downtown)  Japanese Restaurant (Sun Peaks)
                                                                                                                          Sun Peaks Sky
            Commercial Skytrain          Holdom Skytrain           3,000sf, $14,500/month      1,000 sf, $5,400/month (Gross)  1,100 sf, Gross rent $6,500/month
            480sf, $3,250 (Gross Rent)   980sf, $5,300 (Gross rent)  Full Kitchen, Full Liquor  30 seats, Full Liquor, Vent less Fry  Full Liquor, Full Kitchen
                                                                                                                          Sales, $600,000 /yr 20% food cost
            5yr + 5yr lease              5yr + 5yr lease           Sales: $110,000/month. No Demo  Sales: $80,000/month. No Demo  Net Income: $200,000/yr. 6 month open
            $98,800                     $388,000                   $550,000                    $540,000                   $550,000

         본 지면에 게재된 기사, 사진, 그리고 광고 등에는 오류가 포함될 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은  게시자에 문의하시기 바랍니다. The information on this page might contain typographical errors or inaccuracies, please verify through the publisher.
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