Page 45 - 캐나다 익스프레스 - 밴쿠버 라이프
P. 45

WWW.VANLIFE.CA                                                HOLIDAY BAKING                                       December 24. 2021 15

                                                                                            미니 크렌베리                   With your mixer, cream
                                                                                            버터 타르트                    together butter, sugar and
                                                                                                                      salt. Continue to mix until
                                                                                            Recipe by: Rebecca Rancier,   lightened in colour.
                                                                                            pastry chef of The Lazy   Add in egg and vanilla,
                                                                                            Gourmet                   scrape down the sides of the
                                                                                            24 2-inch frozen tart shells  bowl with a spatula. Mix
                                                                                            1/2 cup (125 mL) unsalted   together until egg has been
                                                                                            butter                    incorporated and batter is
                                                                                            1/4 cup (60 mL) brown sugar  smooth. Add in corn syrup
                                                                                            1/4 tsp (1 mL) salt       and continue to mix batter
                                                                                            1/2 cup (125 mL) golden   until smooth.
                                                                                            corn syrup                Place about 3 Craisins into
                                                                                            1 egg                     the bottom of each tart shell.
                                                                                            1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) vanilla  Fill tart shell with batter,
                                                                                            1 cup (250 mL) Craisins   making sure batter pours
                                                                                            1/2 cup (125 mL) cranberries,   around Craisins so there are
                                                                                            fresh or frozen           no air pockets. Only fill to
                                                                                            1/2 cup (125 mL) powdered   top edge of tart shell.
         미니 크렌베리 버터 타르트/ 레이지 가멧, 레베카 렌시어 패스트리 셰프
                                                                                            sugar (optional)          Top with
                                                                                                                      2-3 cranberries, depending
                                                                                           ▶ Preheat oven to 325 F.   on size of berries.
                                                              plastic wrap and refrigerate   If possible, get sweet tart  Return tart shells to oven
                                                              until firm (about 30-60 minutes).  shells, but these can be made  and bake for roughly 7
                                                              Assembly                      with unsweetened as well.  minutes. You want the filling
                                                              1 egg, slightly beaten
                                                              1 tbsp demerara/coarse        Lay frozen tart shells out  to be almost set — not liquid
                                                              sugar (optional)              on a baking sheet, place in  anymore, but a little jiggle is
                                                              Stir walnuts and orange       preheated oven. Bake until  good. Remove from oven and
                                                              zest into cranberry mixture.  they are golden brown in  sit to the side to cool.
                                                              Let sit while rolling out galette   colour, roughly 10 minutes.  When ready to serve, dust
                                                              dough.                        Remove tart shells from oven  the tops with powdered
                                                              Remove galette dough          and set to the side to cool  sugar. Enjoy!
                                                              from refrigerator and place   down.                     Yield: 24 tarts.
                                                              on a lightly floured work
                                                              surface. Sprinkle flour on top of
                                                              the dough. Roll the pastry
                                                              into a 12-inch (30cm) circle
                                                              about 1/8 inch thick. Transfer
          크렌베리 애플 월넛 갈레트 / 엣지 케터링 엘리사 다운스 패스트리 셰프
                                                              galette dough to a parchment-
                                                              lined baking sheet.
          크렌베리 애플                   Galette Dough             Spread the filling on top of
          월넛 갈레트                    1 1/4 cups (175 g)        the pastry, leaving about a
                                    all-purpose flour         2-inch (5 cm) border. Brush
          Recipe by: Chef Alysa Downs,   1/2 tsp (2 g) salt, fine  lightly beaten egg around the
          pastry chef of Edge Catering  1 tbsp (15 g) granulated white   border. Gently fold the edges
          Cranberry Filling         sugar                     of the pastry up and over the
          ¾ cup (80 g) walnuts      1/2 cup (113 g) cold unsalted  filling, pleating as necessary.
          2 cups (220 g) cranberries,   butter, cut into 1-inch cubes  Press gently to adhere.
          fresh or frozen           3-4 tbsp (45-60 mL)       Refrigerate for at least 30
          1/2 small granny smith apple  ice cold water        minutes
          1/3 cup (65 g) granulated                           (or freeze to be baked later).
          white sugar               ▶ Chef’s note: This recipe can  Preheat oven to 400 F
          1/3 cup (70 g) firmly     be made with a pre-made pie  (200C). Brush edges of galette
          packed light brown sugar  dough if you’re short on time.  with beaten egg and sprinkle  피노누아 페퍼민트 모카샷
          1 tbsp orange zest, finely grated  In a food processor, pulse   coarse sugar on top
                                    flour, salt, and sugar until  (optional). Bake for about   피노누아                   Dollop of whipped
          ▶  Preheat oven to 350 F  combined (about 6-8 pulses).  25-30 minutes or until crust is  페퍼민트 모카            cream, optional
          (180 C) and toast walnuts for  Add the cold butter cubes  golden brown and cranberries
          about 5 minutes or until  and process until the mixture  are soft and bubbling.   4 oz (115 mL) pinot noir such   ▶ Pre-warm small insulated
          lightly browned and fragrant.  looks like coarse breadcrumbs   Remove from oven and  as Kim Crawford Pinot Noir  “shot” cups. In a saucepan,
          Remove from oven, let cool  (about 15 seconds).     cool on a wire rack. Serve    or Inniskillin Pinot Noir  combine baking cocoa with
          and then coarsely chop. Set aside.  Sprinkle about 3 tablespoons of  with whipped cream or  3 tbsp (45 mL) powdered  hot coffee to make into a rich
          Cut cranberries into halves,   ice water over the   vanilla ice cream. Leftovers  baking cocoa or sweet     syrup. Add Crème de Cacao,
          combine in a large bowl with  pastry and process just until  c a n   b e   k e p t   a t   r o o m   ground chocolate  Crème de Menthe and Pinot
          white and brown sugars. Peel  the pastry holds together  temperature for 24 hours   3 oz (85 mL) hot coffee  Noir and stir until ingredients
          a n d   d i c e  a p p l e i n to  when pinched. Add a little  or refrigerated for 3-4 days.   3/4 oz (20 mL) Crème de   are hot. Pour into prewarmed
          approximately ½-inch (1 cm)   more water, if needed. Turn  Refresh leftover galette in a 350   Cacao, brown or white  cups in 2-3 oz servings. Garnish
          cubes,                    the pastry out onto a floured   F (175 C)               3/4 oz (20 mL) Crème      with a small
          add to cranberries. Cover and  work surface. Form the  oven for 5-10 minutes or until  de Menthe            dollop of whipped cream.
          let sit at room temperature,   dough into a large round,  crust is crispy again.
          stirring every 15 minutes.  about ½ inch thick. Wrap in  Serves 4-6.                                              [email protected]

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