Page 44 - 캐나다 익스프레스 - 밴쿠버 라이프
P. 44

14      December 24. 2021                                    HOLIDAY BAKING

                                                                                                                          진저브레드 마들렌
                가족, 친구, 사랑하는 이들과의 아름다운 추억을 만드는

               간편한 크리스마스 베이킹 요리법                                                                                          Recipe by: Betty Hung,
                                                                                                                          pastry chef and co-owner of
                                                                                                                          Beaucoup Bakery
                                                                                                                         1 1/3 cup (200 g) cake flour
                                                                                                                          2 1/4 tsp (8 g) baking powder
                뷰굽 베이커리(Beaucoup Bakery)                                                                                 1/2 tsp (2.5 g) salt
               의 페이스트리 셰프 베티 헝(Betty                                                                                     1/2 tsp (2.5 g) ground
               Hung)이 만든 축제의 진저브레드                                                                                        cinnamon
               마들렌. 헤리테이지 베이킹 밴쿠버                                                                                        1/4 tsp (1 g) ground cloves
               (Heritage Baking Vancouver) 패                                                                             1/4 tsp (1 g) ground nutmeg
               스트리 셰프 마샤 나구잇-에브로                                                                                          2/3 cup (150 g) brown sugar
               (Martha Naguiat-Ebro)의 초콜릿                                                                                 3 large eggs, room
               크리스마스 쿠키.                                                                                                  temperature
                크리스마스와 연말 휴일은 가족                                                                                         1/2 cup (125 g) unsalted
               또는 친구 , 사랑하는 이들과의 아                                                                                        butter, melted and cooled
               름다운 추억을 만들고 맛있는 음식                                                                                        1/3 cup (60 g) full-fat milk,
               을 나누는 시간이다.  연말 휴일을                                                                                        room temperature
               동안 방문하는 이들을 위한 베이킹                                                                                         2 tbsp (30 mL) fancy molasses
               을 손수 만들어 보자.                                                                                               2 tbsp (30 g) finely
                알리사 해리스(Aleesha Harris)는                                                                                  chopped candied ginger
               몇명의 밴쿠버 셰프에게 가장 좋아
               하는 쉬운 요리법을 요청했다. 진                                                                                        ▶ In a medium bowl, whisk
               저 브레드 마들렌에서 미니어처 타                                                                                         together the dry ingredients:
               르트까지- 그리고 약간의 놀라움을                                                                                         flour, baking powder, salt,
               주는 핫 초콜릿- 여기에 그들이 요                                                                                        and spices.
               리한 간식을 소개한다.                                                                                               In a large mixing bowl,
                                                                                                                          beat the eggs and brown
                                                                                                                          sugar vigorously until it
                                               뷰굽 베이커리(Beaucoup Bakery)의 페이스트리 셰프 베티 헝(Betty Hung)의 축제의 진저브레드
                                               마들렌.                                                                       becomes frothy, about 2-3
                                                                                                                          minutes. Fold in the dry
                                                                                                                          ingredients with a rubber
                                                                                          ▶ In a bowl, combine the        spatula until the flour is just
                                                                                          chopped  unsweet ened           hydrated. Add melted butter,
                                                                                          chocolate, dark chocolate and   milk, molasses, candied ginger,
                                                                                           butter and melt over a         and fold until incorporated.
                                                                                           bain-marie. Set aside.         Cover and rest batter in
                                                                                           Whisk the eggs, sugar,         the fridge for at least 2 hours
                                                                                          coffee and vanilla extract      or preferably overnight.
                                                                                          until light. Pour in melted     When ready to bake, preheat
                                                                                          chocolate mixture and set       the oven to 500 F/250 C.
                                                                                           aside.                         Generously butter the wells
                                                                                          Mix flour and baking powder.    of the madeleine pans, dust
                                                                                           Add chopped pecans,            with flour, and tap out the
                                                                                           dried cra nber ries a nd       extra. Spoon the batter into
                                                                                          chocolate chips.                the moulds to about ¾ full.
                                                                                          Fold flour mixture into         Once filled, lightly tap the
                                                                                          chocolate mixture. Scoop        pan on the counter to level
                                                                                          using a 3-ounce ice cream       the batter and to remove any
                                                                                           scoop onto a parchment-lined   large air pockets.
                                                                                           sheet tray. Sprinkle tops with  Place the madeleine pan in
                                                                                           sea salt.                      the preheated oven, bake for
                헤리테이지 베이킹 밴쿠버(Heritage Baking Vancouver) 패스트리 셰프 마샤 나구잇-에브로(Martha        Bake at 350 F for 15-18         3 minutes, and lower the
                Naguiat-Ebro)의 초콜릿 크리스마스 쿠키.                                               minutes. The baking time will  temperature to 425 F / 220 C.
                                                                                           vary according to the size of  Bake for 15-20 more minutes
                 헤리테이지 베이킹               2 tbsp butter            flour or gluten-free flour  scoop used. Cookies will be  (regular size — 7-8 minutes),
                 크리스마스 쿠키                2 large eggs             1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) baking   very soft while warm but will  the tops should spring back
                                         3/4 cup white sugar      powder                   firm up as they cool. Best     when you press them with
                 R ecipe   b y: Ma r t ha   1 tbsp (15 mL) espresso   1/3 cup pecans,      enjoyed with warm milk or      your finger. While still warm,
                 NaguiatEbro, pastry chef   extract, or 1 tsp (5 mL)  chopped              eggnog.                        turn them out onto a cooling
                 and owner of Heritage   instant coffee diluted in 2   1/2 cup dried cranberries   Yield: 12-15 cookies.  rack. Serve warm; they are
                 Baking Vancouver        tsp (10 mL) hot water    or dried cherries                                       the best served the day they
                 1/4 cup unsweetened     1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) vanilla   3/4 cup dark chocolate                                are baked.
                 chocolate, chopped      extract                  chips                                                   Makes 4 large or 24 regular-
                 3/4 cup dark chocolate  2 tbsp (30 mL) all-purpose  Sea salt to taste                                    sizes cakes.

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