P. 36

6     CANADA EXPRESS / LIFE                                                                                                   APRIL 19 2024

                                                                                                날짜: May 8, 2024 (Wed)
                                                                                                리셉션: 6:30pm - 7pm
                                                                                                강의: 7pm - 8:30pm

                                                                                                장소: Burnaby Mountain Golf Course
                                                                                                (7600 Halifax St, Burnaby, BC V5A 4M8)

                                  6.2%     9.9%
                                                                 157개 부동산 건물 포트폴리오 (157 Property portfolio)
                                                                 22,022 임대 유닛보유 (46개 도시분포) (22,022 Rental Units across 46 cities)
                                                                 * “Rental Units” means, in the case of apartments, apartment suites irrespective of the number of bedrooms in a suite. In the case of student
                                                                 housing properties, a Rental Unit is a bedroom. Thus, a 25-suite student apartment building with 4 bedrooms per suite has 100 Rental Units. Total
                                                                 Rental Units only includes Rental Units that are undiluted by joint ventures. Thus, 100 Rental Units, where the REIT has a 50% stake, will count as
                                                                 100 Rental Units and not as 50 Rental Units. Detailed tables breaking down the portfolio are available in the Offering Memorandum.
                                                                 월별 현금배당 및 배당 재투자 가능 (약 5% 연 배당비율)
                                                                 Distributions monthly - DRIP available (5.18%/yr)

                                                                 모든 금융 투자계좌를 통해 투자 가능 Eligible for registered & non-registered accounts

                                                                 안정적인 현금 배당과 부동산 시세 상승에 따른 장기적 수익 기회
                                                                 Target of stable cash distributions with the opportunity for long-term growth

                     년도별 수익률 (F Class 기준)

                       Calendar       2013⁴     2014     2015     2016      2017     2018     2019      2020     2021     2022     2023

                       REIT Class F   2.73%    10.26%   11.17%   10.79%    18.24%   24.39%   22.59%    8.57%   11.90%    14.96%   7.46%

                     2013년 펀드 설정이후 년 평균 수익률 - 13.79%
                     Annualized return 13.79% since inception (*For partial year September 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013)

                     총 펀드 운용자산 - $7.2B (2023년 말 기준)
                     Fund AUM $7.2B (as of Q4 2023)

                                                             Hosted by                                         Wine & Refreshments
                                                             Branden Yu, CIM®                                     (Complimentary)
                                                             Investment Advisor
                                                                                                                Registration Inquiry
                                                             Presented by                                       선착순 30명 (등록문의)
                                                             Brian Fraser, CIM®                             604-616-0192 (Text or Call)
                                                             Director of Centurion Asset Management
                      Branden Yu, CIM®    Brian Fraser, CIM®  Manager of the Centurion Apartment REIT

                    IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This communication is for information purposes only and is not, and under no circumstances, is to be construed as an invitation to make an investment in Centurion Apartment REIT. Investing in Centurion
                    Apartment REIT Units involves risks. There is currently no secondary market through which Centurion Apartment REIT Units may be sold and there can be no assurance that any such market will develop. A return on an investment in
                    Centurion Apartment REIT Units is not comparable to the return on an investment in a fixed-income security. The recovery of an initial investment is at risk and the anticipated return on such an investment is based on many performance
                    assumptions. Although Centurion Apartment REIT intends to make regular distributions of its available cash to Unitholders, such distributions may be reduced or suspended. The actual amount distributed will depend on numerous factors,
                    including Centurion Apartment REIT’s financial performance, debt covenants and obligations, interest rates, working capital requirements, and future capital requirements. In addition, the market value of Centurion Apartment REIT Units
                    may decline if Centurion Apartment REIT is unable to meet its cash distribution targets in the future, and that decline may be material. It is important for an investor to consider the particular risk factors that may affect the industry in which
                    it is investing and therefore, the stability of the distributions that it receives. There can be no assurance that income tax laws and the treatment of mutual fund trusts will not be changed in a manner which adversely affects Centurion
                    Apartment REIT.
                    PAST PERFORMANCE MAY NOT BE REPEATED. Investing in Centurion Apartment REIT Units can involve significant risks and the value of an investment may go down as well as up. There is no guarantee of performance. An investment
                    in Centurion Apartment REIT is not intended as a complete investment program and should only be made after consultation with independent investment and tax advisors. Only investors who do not require immediate liquidity of their
                    investment should consider a potential purchase of Units. The risks involved in this type of investment may be greater than those normally associated with other types of investments. Please refer to the Centurion Apartment REIT Offering
                    Memorandum for a further discussion of the risks of investing in Centurion Apartment REIT.

                                          Canada’s oldest financial institution and one of the largest providers of back-office support for
                                          IIIROC firms. Currently NBIN manages over $300 billion in custodial assets.

                                          Clients are covered UP TO $1 million for all General Accounts combined and UP TO $1 million
                                          for each type of Separate Account combined.

         본 지면에 게재된 기사, 사진, 그리고 광고 등에는 오류가 포함될 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은  게시자에 문의하시기 바랍니다. The information on this page might contain typographical errors or inaccuracies, please verify through the publisher.
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